
I decided Musings had too philosophical a slant to serve as a journal of everyday occurances, so I started a second Blog. I rule.

I borrowed Dead or Alive 3 from Chris yesterday. He said I could keep it until graduation, which is cool. He has an impressive gaming room at his place, with everything from the old NES to X-box. DOA will help fill the empty hours until I get a job and go back to school.

Heh, school. FRCC's website is down, so I can't find out their application deadlines unless I call or go there. Bleh. I hate talking to strange people, whether in person or over the phone. I also need to contact CSU and find out if my application with them is still on-file and valid. If it is, I won't need to rewrite the entrance essays, which would be nice. I could do it again, but it'd be a bother.

I'm actually excited about going back, though. It's rather odd, especially considering I was never a fan of school. I guess I'm looking forward to meeting new people. The solitude I experienced over this past year seems to have done more than I expected. In most people's eyes, this year was a waste. I didn't have a job, I wasn't going to school. I was merely existing. I think this year was vital for me as a person, and I accomplished a lot in my heart and mind. The loneliness was an important part of that, but now it's served its purpose, and I'm ready to emerge from my chrysalis. This isn't to say I've stopped growing and searching. I hope I never stop either. I just think I'm now ready to meet the world.


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