
NP: Sing Once for Me - Joy Electric

So I was, shock of all shocks, somewhat overly pessimistic regarding my odds of landing a part in the radio drama programs. I received a call this evening offering me two roles, one to be recorded in August and the other in October. I need to call the guy back tomorrow and tell him I accept. Huttah for voice acting experience!

I might be getting a job as a secret shopper soon. Some guy e-mailed me about the opportunity, so I jumped at it. It's a pretty posh set-up, from what I understand. All expenses paid, you get to keep what you purchase (whether it be a meal, clothes, groceries, or a movie ticket), and you evaluate the helpfulness and competence of the employees. I look like a doof, so my disguise is already in place. It pays between $150-$400 a week, depending on how many jobs I take, and the hours are flexible. The more I consider it, the more exciting it seems. I could get paid to evaluate the efficiency of corporate America. I really want this job.

I have acquired both a drum and swing acolyte in the same person of Melissa Vespertine. I took her on her inaugural trip to Colorado Drum and Percussion today, where she acquired her first pair of sticks and a drum pad. Clark was grumpy, but I think it's because he doesn't like me. I haven't given him any reason to like me, and people like to think the worst about me (despite the fact I was wearing my friendly "notice me" shirt today). Anyway, it will be very good to see her more often, and it's always good to teach people things they don't yet know.

Oh, and a quiz I just took.

Chesire Cat

You're an eccentric, oddball, weirdo. I love you! You tend not to worry too much about the things that happen in life because you know most of it's not going to matter in the end anyway. However, sometimes you can be a bit too weird and people just want to see the real you...

Which character from Alice In Wonderland are you?


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