
Mad Into - Fold Zandura


So what do you get when you combine an 8:00 AM history class, a 11:00 AM philosophy class, three hours of Fable, a really messed up play, grocery shopping, and a trademark Colorado half-assed respitory infection?

One of the most boringly bizarre and otherly amusing days of your life.

I went to see Little Shop of Horrors tonight (I love being the guy sitting by himself laughing at odd parts) because I have to write a review for it for Acting I. This play was not the sort of thing to watch when one's thought patterns are distorted just enough to delay any sort of sensory input by 0.25 seconds. I imagine this is what marijuana feels like without the fascinating insights into the physical world. The show's nonsequitor plotline, musical numbers, and polarized production left me sans coherant thought for the rest of the evening (including right now; I'm feeling the room spin as I write this).

Then, the grocery shopping. I needed a total of seven items. It took me 45 minutes to locate said items. I got turned around and then needed to use the facilities. My incessant sniffing let most customers and all employees present to believe or suspect an addiction to cocaine, and I had trouble making sense to the cashier.

Wow. Even with my eyes closed, it feels like I'm on the Tilt-a-Whirl. Which is actually a pretty sweet deal: free ride.



Blogger Ryan said...

sounds like what happens to me on antihistamines (or whatever).

We've shared more than one of those experienced together, haven't we?

2:35 PM  
Blogger coffee girl said...

sounds like a joyous day, peter.

im always either amusing or dead when im not feeling well.

9:08 PM  

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