
Golden Boy - Primus

I apologise for the lack of updates, but Mel's advent has made my life unusually busy. The benefit of this visit shall be made visually evident soon enough. Suffice to say she made my hair straight enough to hold my own in a Jesus look-alike pageant. Unfortunately, this process must be repeated daily to achieve the desired effect. Would you lose all respect for me if I bought a straightening iron?

Hrm. Maybe I should start a foundation to help children in suburban homes be more ghetto.

All I can think of right now is food, which is absurd. I ate several enormous meals today, and if I eat any more, I shall exceed the "charmingly pudgy" weight limit parameters. Then all my chances with pretty girls would go to shit.



Before There Was Atlanta, There Was Douglasville - The Chariot

So I finished the term with a GPA of ~3.5, which I'm content with. Sure, I could've done better, but considering everything that happened and everything that changed in the past four months, I think I did okay. My cumulative is still high enough to keep me in the honors program, and that's all I'm really worried about.

I've been playing Metroid Prime II: Echoes extensively since its purchase last weekend, and I must say it's a very well-made game. The physics engine, gameplay, and visuals are improved over Metroid Prime, and the new upgrades are quite fun (a multi-missle launcher and echo visor among them). Plus, it has the feel of a A Link to the Past in that you travel between the light and dark worlds to find items and get around obstacles. Plus, like The Adventure of Link taught us, it's always fun to fight your own shadow.

I also picked up Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy yesterday since Barnes & Noble had all the Dark Tower books except the one I need (V for those who are monitoring my progress). I'm only about 15 pages into it, but I'm enjoying it thoroughly. I've always been a sucker for British humor, though.



Your pale cheek
Was never weak
Enough to raise the dead.
The spinning hands
And flowing strands
Of silk are what they bled.

An inkwell lies
Within the eyes
Of one whose heart was true.
To hold your pen
To them again
Would surely bleach their hue.

A lesson learned
Through tears unearned
Will make a sightless scar,
But veils drawn
Against the dawn
Will show them what you are.


Everyday - Jamiroquai

So I'm thinking of returning to the Vagrant Cafe out of frustration at the lack of intelligent posting elsewhere on the Internet. The Cafe is replete with assholes, but at least they can make coherent arguments.

You are: THE JOKER!

Which Batman Villain Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

As evidence of my sick sense of humor, I implore you all to visit my new link, Bunny Suicides.

Enough! I must write this essay!


Bird Stealing Bread - Iron and Wine

My percussion jury was rough today. I played my prepared pieces well enough, but the sight reading completely pwned me. Eric told me to take piano lessons so I can improve both my sight reading and concert repertoire.

Only two finals now, and one is online. So 5:40 PM Thursday evening marks the end of my semester (if you don't count graduation, that is). The other people in Jazz Ped want to go out for martinis after the final. I probably won't join them, but the possibility is tangible for the first time in my life. It feels weird.

...I hate talking about relationships in terms of "if it had worked."

I want summer to be now so I don't have to worry about school anymore. Then I can just sit in my room with my instruments and have fun.


Souljacker Part I - Eels

Two juries down, one to go. I scored an "A-" on my piano jury, which I was fairly pleased with. The few mistakes I made were not issues of ability but mere performance jitters (I'm still not used to playing music for a grade). I hit some noticeable flats during my voice jury, but my performance overall must have been satisfactory, as both Dr. Vaughn and Dr. Morrow-King extended invitations to join men's choir. \/\/00+!

Am I the only one getting murderously sick of those stupid "game" ads? You know, the ones like "Shoot the knife into the camera above George Bush's daughters!" Those equipped with sounds are the worst, like the Brad Pitt/paparazzi one. The creator of these things should be placed in Hell alongside the inventor of pop-ups.

Now I must away to practice my marimba. TTFN.


I Remember - Damien Rice

Last night's show went well despite the director's self-administered aneurysms (Nick's famous for wigging out before shows). No thanks to you people who didn't show up. There go all your gold stars for perfect attendence.

So here I sit in the e-Cave on the last day of classes. I took my Shakespeare final this morning and felt pretty good about it, so that's one less worry. My health class is in an hour, the last lecture of SP05. The final for that class is online, so the only one I'm worried about is Jazz Pedagogy. Well, and my triptych of juries, but I already have the material for those. Jazz Ped deals with some music theory I haven't had yet (read: any), so it's probably going to do a fair amount of ass-kicking.

  • Who do you agree with?

  • My top three were St. Augustine (100%), Immanuel Kant (93%), and St. Thomas Aquinas (93%). Bottom three: David Hume (28%), Cynics (22%), and Thomas Hobbes (0%).

    I turn 21 in 36 hours.


    Cool Blue Reason - Cake

    Checking in with the good news report:

    1) I took my laptop back to DSC today because their repair job is falling apart, and the guy there said it would be covered under their repair warranty. They might actually get it to work right this time.

    2) The admin of CSU Forums asked me to be a supermoderator yesterday. This essentially means I have modding powers over the entire forum. |2/-\\/\/|<

    3) Assassins is finally being performed this Thursday. Those of you in the Fort should see if you can make it. 7:00 in the Black Box theatre (contact me for die-recktions).

    Okay, so Mark gave me the recording program he uses for Two Seconds To Late, and I want to get some stuffs recorded and online. I'm having trouble deciding on an artist name, though. My options thus far:

    -Jericho Snowflake Authority
    -Full Moon Fallacy

    If you peeble prefer one or the other (or have another idea), let me know mmm'kay?

    Under the Milky Way Tonight - The Church

    So explain to me why doing laundry at my parents' house seems to intensify my feelings of loneliness, hopelessness, and gloom.

    (waits for glib remarks about his perpetual nihilism to cease)

    I think it's the location. I spent many, many hours here by myself in high school and last year, and I felt just as trapped then as I do now. I supposed it doesn't help that I can walk to all three places where girls have broken up with me in a matter of minutes. Hell, I can even see one from this quaint little kitchen table.

    Of course, this is also the location where my only defineable relationship began, and that relationship, while naive and juvenile, was also the happiest time of my life.

    Oops, sorry. Force of habit.


    So, who's happy that this semester/school year has nearly reached its much-anticipated end? I suppose it's not a good sign that I define my life via institutionalized education, but to me, the end of May hearkens the same sort of reflection that most people reserve for December 26-30. You know, the whole, "Ah, how this year has changed me" thing. Which is probably part of why I'm feeling so emo right now. That and Neutral Milk Hotel is now playing on my iRiver.

    I've been reading Questionable Content extensively, and I find it frightening how accurately some of these comics define me. For example:

    "You know what I think it is? I need someone who is willing to be patient with me. I'm like a hedgehog--if you just give me time to uncurl, I'll eventually relax and not be so prickly."
    "Oh yeah? What happens then?"
    "Well, then there's the boss fight, after which I reveal my true form. Neo-Mecha-[Peter] has twice the hit points and a devastating [Emo Wave] attack."

    I'm sure Mel is laughing hysterically with the pertinence of the above quote right about now.

    According to Weather.com, zipcode 80521 will not be having weather of any sort on May 11. The last of the snow is supposed to come tomorrow, then winter will trundle off to the land of atmospheric oblivion until June. \/\/00+!