
I Used to Hate Cell Phones but Now I Hate Car Accidents - Norma Jean

I'm taking Principles of Literary Criticism this semester, and I feel extremely out of place. Most of my classmates fall on the right or the left regarding the literary canon, what should be taught, et al. I fall cleanly outside the spectrum because I believe literature, just like music and painting, is primarily an art form and should be judged thusly. Unfortunately, apathy doesn't make grades, so I have to read a bunch of e-reserve texts I don't give a shit about. Worse, I have to print them out and bring them to class for "discussion," but my printer still isn't operational (I need a USB cable), so my finances are suffering the Death of a Thousand Papercuts at $0.12/page. Fuck academic pretension.

The rest of my classes are okay, though. Intermediate Creative Writing is a lot of fun, and there are some people from my E210 class in my section. Music Theory II is more of the same, but the instructor is more interesting and lenient than Dr. King, so that's good. Intro to Poetry and Intro to American Lit are exactly what I expected from 200-level lit courses. Overall, I think this semester should maintain an even keel. Especially once the job is out of the way.

I received a call from a director wanting to cast me in a scene from a Tennessee Williams play. I'm meeting him and the other cast members tonight for a read-through.

Food is money.


Blogger Ethan Lababoo said...

I think you can print stuff for free in the lab on the second floor of the math building.

1:40 PM  
Blogger Ms. Studer said...

Buy an infernal USB cable!

7:54 AM  

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