
Passing Afternoon - Iron & Wine

I saw a flyer for another show at the Starlight featuring (among other bands) Guns 'n Rosa Parks and Noncompliant. From what I've heard, Noncompliant is a really good old school punk band, but that's tangential to the point of this paragraph. The point is this: why is the scene around here so post-punk numetal? What do these greasy little suburbanites have to be angsty about? From a detached perspective, you'd expect the scene to be more folk-oriented since FoCo is still stuck in the small-town mindset. Maybe that's what they're rebelling against. They're gonna show the Fort they reject their conservative upbringing by listening to bad music and not showering. Smoke and stale Doritos will dominate the future.

I've decided to enter the Creative Writing Scholarship Competition this semester. My writing teacher (who is the MFA consultant on the scholarship review board) thinks I've a pretty good shot at it. I'm meeting with her tomorrow to review my portfolio and decide which pieces best represent my work. I wrote a piece for E 210 which caught her attention, and she strongly recommends I submit it.

I called Erico again regarding my scooter, and they told me they're waiting for Piaggio headquarters to give them a definite answer. Running total of weeks they've had my bike: 9.5. 9.5 weeks = ridiculous.

Okay. You can all go home now.


Blogger Peter said...

Some of my readers have delicate little shells.

The title was originally "Star Search," but Chloe said it conjured too many memories of the 80's for certain generations. I've been trying to rework it while still keeping "star" somewher in there. Needless to say, I've not found one I really like yet.

Yes I do. In the form of discounted service charges.

9:04 AM  

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