
Passing Afternoon - Iron and Wine

So the meeting with the advisor went well. She said the honors courses wouldn't count toward my upper-division credits, but she's willing to play fast and free with fulfilling those requirements. As long as they relate to the humanities in some way, I'm good. As such, I registered for playwrighting next fall, a 400-level class with Dr. Eric Prince, the British Beckett scholar. An intimidating figure, but he's okay. If everything goes well, I'll also take intermediate and advanced acting, thus rounding out my upper-division credits admirably. We'll see how this goes, but as of right now, I'm staying in the university until graduation.

Just so you know.


Taisedou No Bosatsu - Hellsing OST

I just purchased new headphones on account of my old ones losing an accidental tug-of-war with their owner and a fire hydrant. The new ones are angular and awkward-looking, like they're trying to be futuristic. The sound quality isn't affected though, so I don't care if people think I'm a space-man from Mercury. Maybe I'll get to say "weather-balloon" on TV this way.

My body is attempting to determine if it's falling ill or not. It started Monday morning, making me think I picked up a bug from Mark's lovely ice cream social/arm wrestling tournament. I'm trying to combat it with many herbs and vitamin C supplements, but such efforts seem to have only induced a stalemate. Hopefully, I can hold it off for another two days until the weekend so's I can lick it proper.

The sentence immediately preceding this one was heavily influenced by Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

After a long, convoluted journey, I have arrived at a decision gate regarding my academic career. I discovered Monday that my music minor is kaput because they won't transfer music history credits from Front Range as upper-division, and I refuse to take it at CSU on the simple principle of sanity. Three upper-division English classes + Music History for Masochistic Students = no time for work, and I must work. So I have to meet with my advisor (whom I've never met before, having just discovered her position as my advisor after meeting with the person I thought was my advisor) and attempt to assemble a coherent second field of study based on the 6 upper-division music credits I already have. If I can't, I will most likely drop out of school. I refuse to dig myself further into debt for a second minor I don't really want. Besides, it isn't like my career depends on a four-year degree, anyway. Publishers care about the quality of my work, not my schooling.

School is detrimental to my psychological well-being, anyway.

Ben's getting married in sixteen days.

Luke's having a kid.

I suddenly feel very juvenile.