
NP: Lateralus - Tool

I don't know that many extroverts read this, but if more do than I think, please take no offense at the previous entry. Your knowledge of this blog is indicative of your presence outside the sub-category of extroverts to which my diatribe refers.

In other news, I have resolved never to eat at Taco Bell again. After an early supper there Friday, I began to feel ill. Thinking it was just another bout with a local strain of the common cold, I took some Nyquil and retired. The next morning saw no improvement and no symptom development. I didn't have a sore throat, runny nose, or any other typical cold ailments. I was just insanely weak and slow of mind. The situation persisted all day with an aversion to eating, causing me to believe the tacos I ate gave me food poisoning. Unfortunately, the effects have persisted beyond the typical timespan for food poisoning (as I am still experiencing them this morning), leading me to believe something more serious may be happening. The most likely candidate is a strain of malevolent E. coli shredding my intestinal lining. Not a pleasant thought by any means. Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on your perspective), "{t}he illness is usually self-limited and lasts for an average of 8 days (FDA/CFSAN Bad Bug Book)." If my diagnosis is correct and my condition doesn't become aggravated, I should be okay by next week.

I have a discussion on Madame Bovary to lead today, a sociology test Wednesday, and a speech on the Anasazi Indians to give Friday. Looks like another fun week of university life.

Note: this blog is now my primary one. Musings will no longer be updated.


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