
A Lack of Color - Death Cab for Cutie

Why is it I can never sleep on the nights I need it most? Maybe I should take to drinking just so I can pass out when I require unconsciousness.

The Vagrant Cafe is really starting to grate on my nerves. I remember when I felt comfortable posting there, but those days are long gone. Horton has spread like a cancer from the Culture forum to the rest of the board, and his flamboyant asshole schtick is giving license for the other elite hipster fucks on the board to bounce around all they want. There isn't any room for disagreement or simply liking something; if it isn't pretentious avant-garde horse fæces, they completely shred your opinion. I wouldn't even care if they ignored it, but, like all post-modern simians, they must assert their dominance from behind their keyboards. I probably won't go to the great Vagrant gathering of '05 for fear of losing control and severely injuring one or more members of the above category.

Okay, enough ranting. Time to re-shoot the sleeping scene. Maybe I'll get it right this time.


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