
Alone & Easy Target - Foo Fighters

There was a fire at work today in one of the apartments. No immediate danger to the dining facility, so we just kept the doors shut with all the residents inside until the fire department gave us the all-clear. The problem was the terrible response time of the FCFD: 15 minutes. Our honored elders were forced to endure 15 minutes of screeching fire alarms. Not having any set procedures to follow, the dining crew retreated to the walk-in refridgerator (where it was mercifully un-loud) to eat our supper. Nobody was hurt, and life at Good Samaritan returned to normal after the FD gave the all-clear.

Looking forward to a great weekend. I'm working Friday through Sunday and feel myself becoming ill. Yes, I know staying up until 4:30 AM blogging isn't the best for ill-bitten folks such as myself, but screw it and you and Dennis Rodman. Actually, no, nevermind. Bad image.

I changed two of the lines in Scarlet Stains. I think they flow better now.

Damn, now I can't remember the other memory I was inclined to share with you, my ever-faithful blog-readers. I place the blame squarely on fatigue, illness, and Dave Grohl. Apparently, my lists are coming in trios tonight. So, in keeping with tradition, I shall now stop typing to leave, go, and depart. Good night.


Blogger Ms. Studer said...

Screw Dennis Rodman eh? Now that is a scary thought.


We can't have the Samurai getting sick though, nothing could would come of that.

I hope you survive your weekend Peter.

4:16 PM  
Blogger Ms. Studer said...

Could would? Lord I need sleep too. I suppose that mistake kind of goes with your post thought.

*Good would

There we go.

Sorry for being an idiot.

4:17 PM  

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