
Sober - Tool

Yes, my labyrinthian thought processes lead me to that brilliant conclusion last night. It just seemed fitting. Though, I suppose from the perspective of a literalist, "Damn me" would've been nearer the mark. Yet, in our culture, "damn" carries far less power than "fuck," and being the epitome of cultural awareness I am, I chose the latter.

So Kara (the girl featured in my post about RMHS's art show) has a boyfriend. A fact she neglected to tell me. Did it slip her mind? Is she too nice to say such things? Was she playing me? I don't know, and neither do you. All I know is, by all the signs I was given, she was into me. Guess not.

My track record just keeps getting better.

On a nearly unrelated sidenote, the mix I made for Tori has been eaten by Roxio. This I do not appreciate. I am forced to resurrect it now, hopefully to a longer life. I rarely come across a girl with such impeccable taste in music, so I spent an entire history class on this mix. The resurrection must take place soon, though, as she works Tuesday and I Monday.

I need to stop working with cute brown-eyed emo girls who have boyfriends.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should invent a boyfriend destroying virus that you're impervious to. Then you would have it made.

12:45 AM  
Blogger Ethan Lababoo said...

Okay, for some reason it puts "Anonymous" as the default now...that's really annoying.

12:46 AM  

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