
Tiny Cities Made of Ashes - Sun Kil Moon

I really like this song.

I e-mailed LACLinux because their website says they're not closed anymore. I'd still prefer getting a lappy from them, as they have better stuffs. Of course, the irony of this is: had I not cancelled the order, I might have my lappy by now, as I don't know how long they've been reopened. Meh.

This week has been unexpectedly relaxed due to the government not returning my background check to my employers. I can't start in the new building until Big Brother says I'm clean, so I'm treading water (read: losing money) for now. The employer persons said the new location will get me more hours, but I don't think I like that. Hours x Salary = ++Hours x Salary.

I'm sort of disappointed with myself. I wanted to use this break to start writing stuff, but so far all I've produced is a 25-line poem. I suppose I'm just afraid to start because I think it will suck or something. Stephen King said the scariest part is always right before you start. Overcoming that fear still hasn't become second nature to me. Maybe it never will. I mean, it still plagues him after 30+ years of writing bestsellers.

He seems like a nice guy. I'd like to meet him someday.

He says the key to good writing is to write a lot and read a lot. I read a lot, but I don't write a lot. That's my problem. Too much not writing.

Ry, I want you to read my poem when you're sober.


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