
NP: Zebethian Surface - SuperPope

According to yesterday's horoscope, my recent trend toward brutal honesty is a result of my lunar cycle, so I guess that means I'll have to revert back to my usual elusive self. I hope you've all enjoyed this brief look into the chaos of my existence.

(That one's for you, Mel)

So I'm in an extraordinary mood tonight, and I'm not sure why. I learned Unsu tonight, which is arguably the ISKF's most difficult kata, what with it involving (among other techniques) a 360-degree jump ending in a backward thrust kick. I, being the incredible shotokan acolyte that I am, mastered the failing of this technique on my first attempt. Fortunately, no innocent bones or faces were broken in the process (I did knock out this middle-aged guy in a business suit, but he hardly looked innocent).

I just caught a gnat with my bare hands. That's shotokan karate-do in action.

Oh, you should all visit this site. I enjoy it. Though it may be pointed out that her people leave a lot more comments than my people. *snort*

Wow, I just snorted. I think it's definitely time for a little closed-eye.


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