
Bands // Song Titles

Created by BourdiezFreak and taken 20332 times on bzoink!

Choose a band/or artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band:Radiohead
Are you female or male:There There (The Boney King of Nowhere
Describe yourself:Subterranean Homesick Alien
How do some people feel about you:Vegetable
How do you feel about yourself:In Limbo
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend:Like Spinning Plates
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend:(Nice Dream)
Describe where you want to be:Sail to the Moon -Brush the Cobwebs of the Sky-
Describe what you want to be:Bullet Proof...I Wish I Was
Describe how you live:Knives Out
Describe how you love:You
Share a few words of wisdom:Everything in its Right Place

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Blogger coffee girl said...

this is my favorite of all the blog things ive come across...its fun to be the music you listen to.

im such a dork....i worded that so...dumbly....it sounds like i should be wearing a teacher scweater or something...sorry...ill go now.

1:16 PM  
Blogger coffee girl said...

there is no C in sweater

1:16 PM  

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