
and then, came then - The Chariot

You gently kissed the top of my head, pressing your lips into the soft mass of brown curls tumbling down in disarray across my closed eyelids. The warmth of your breath sent strange goosebumps rippling over my forearms. My breath had departed for the instant, its presence no longer disturbing the solid space surrounding us.

My face was enveloped in shadow, the solitary flame of light illuminating my bowed shoulders, bent spine, and rubber soles. Your eyes reveled in the brilliant glow, throwing back fragments of light in a rainbow of colors. The reflection from the gleaming blade cast an jagged, eerie image across your left eye, as if you bore a scar inflicted by a dagger of coherent light. Your smile, however, bore no sign of pain or malice, only sincere adoration.

Your hands rested on my shoulders, mere inches from the river of life flowing below the surface of my neck's skin. Your fingertips moved with the rhythm of my pulse. Having surrendered my soul into your hands, I drank deep reassurance from your gentle touch, your tender words. I willfully lost myself in the liquid opals of your eyes, trusting to lose all other vision in favor of your promise.

Creeping across the floor and up the wall behind you, your shadow's decision had already been made.


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