There isn't much to say upon one's return from Hell, except that it's wonderful to see the stars once again. Dante made the trip in one night, but not all of us have Virgil as a guide.
As it turned out, the solitude of Limbo wasn't why I was summoned. I had to descend into the deepest pit, walking the surface of Cocytus in the shadow of Lucifer, to find what I sought. I came to the place prepared for me, and I understood why I had been called so deep. This is what I saw:

Standing alone in the shadows beyond this altar, a small boy watched me with frightened eyes. His legs were locked in the icy prison, his ankles grasped by a familiar pair of hands. Tears were frozen on his face, but he was too small, weak, and afraid to brush them away. I reached toward him, but he pulled away as far as his frozen legs would allow. Understanding burrowed into the core of my being, and I knelt in front of him and placed my hands on the ice. The pain was excruciating, but I knew it was the only way I could escape this place. The ice slowly gave way, subliming into a thick fog. Hours or days, I couldn't tell how much time passed, but I finally felt a small pair of hands gingerly place themselves on my shoulders. Looking up, I witnessed something of which this God-forsaken pit had no memory: a small smile.
"I never forgot," he whispered.
"I know. Come, return to me," I replied.
The boy nodded, then began to dissolve into the fog created by the melted ice. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply of his essence, imbibing all he was into my spirit. When my eyes opened again, I was standing on the shore of Acheron, Charon's impatient face staring at me from his cursed vessel. When my eyes met his, he shrank back in fear and wonder.
"You! I thought you the same soul I bore seven days past, but 'tis not so!"
"You speak true, servant of the damned. You shall find my weight more burdensome this time, for I am no longer the halved spirit I was. I stand before you weak, bloodied, and alone, but I am whole once more."