
Porcelain - Moby

Connect five semi-elongated diamonds to make a star.

Shade each diamond halfway along the longitudinal axis and you get the indie rock star.

Look for the indie rock star attached to cars, jackets, and backpacks to find posers.

Namedrop various mainstream and indie band names to evoke various reactions from posers.


I have absolutely no motivation to register for classes next semester. In order to register, I need to talk to my advisor. Since transferring to Music Education, I don't even know who my advisor is. Besides, I'm quickly losing all motivation to continue any sort of formalized education, or education at all for that matter. The acquisition of facts and methods, theories and rules help nothing in the end. Nothing helps anything in the end.

(Enter NIHILISM hovering above PETER)

In the past, I received this e-mail newsletter from a professional asshole who believed he can explain how women's minds work. How a guy has to be C & F (Cocky and Funny) to win women, that Nice Guy = Wuss, therefore unattractive. This I can attest to, as the number of women who have been seriously attracted to me over the course of the past four years have numbered in the East-Indian realm of zero. Why? Because I'm nice. The solution? Nothing, because I don't have the self-confidence to be cocky and God knows I'm not funny. Inabilities notwithstanding, C & F guys are dicks.

My finances are as mewling infants strapped to an armed nuclear warhead.

I have no talent, no inspiration, and no future.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey I'm both funny and cocky, but I don't have any women either! What gives?

3:20 PM  

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